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One of the smaller colleges of [[Oxford University]] — in fact it was the smallest until [[Mansfield College]] changed from a [[Permanent Private Hall]] into a college. It's the only Oxford college without grass in its [[front quad]]; instead it has the [[Pelican Sundial]], which has the hokey-cokey done around it every year during the [[JCR]] Christmas party. It has a rather nice little music room in a separate building tucked away to the back of the college, with a grand piano. It's bookable by college members for private functions. Corpus doesn't offer all subjects, only those (with some rare exceptions) for which it has a [[Fellows | Fellow]] who can tutor the subject. The back lawn of Corpus looks over the gardens of [[Christ Church]], and unlike Christ Church Corpus doesn't charge tour parties for admission; so the cheaper kinds of [[tourist guides]] will often bring people here to see [[Christ Church]] gardens for free. [[Kake]] spent six years here and liked it very very much indeed. See also: * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corpus_Christi_College,_Oxford Wikipedia entry]
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