Edit "Kake"
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It's all my fault. Admin-related categories: [[Category To Be Deleted]], [[Category To Be Renamed]] Other useful links: * [http://the.earth.li/~kake/cgi-bin/oxford-guide/multi-cats.cgi Find things in multiple categories] * [http://the.earth.li/~kake/oxford-guide/no-photo.html Pages with no photo] (not auto-updated) * [http://urchin.earth.li/~kake/oxford-guide/no-geodata.html Pages with no geodata] (auto-updated once per day) I don't live in Oxford any more, but I still visit sometimes. ---- My last visit was in March 2012. I stayed for a week and had various meals out including [[Kake/Reviews/Liaison|dim sum at Liaison]], [[Kake/Reviews/Moya|Slovakian food at Moya]], and [[Kake/Reviews/Arbat|Russian food at Arbat]]. I bought cheese and pastries at the [[East Oxford Farmers And Community Market]]. I also visited several pubs: [[Duke's Cut]], [[Angel And Greyhound]], [[Chequers]], and [[Far From The Madding Crowd]] (the latter, three times). ---- My previous visit was in December 2011; I had [[Kake/Reviews/Oriental Condor|dim sum at the Oriental Condor]], followed by a walk around the [[Locale Botley Road|Botley Road]] area, and finally some real ale and cider at [[The Punter]]. I was a little disappointed not to see any interesting real ales on at the Punter, and the feel was more of a place-for-eating than a pub, but this may have been because it was quite close to Christmas and they had at least two pre-booked parties in. ---- Here are my [http://www.ox.compsoc.net/oxfordguide/?username=Kake&action=userstats most recent edits] on this guide.
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