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One of Asda's non-food branches, selling things like clothes, toys, homewares, and health and beauty products. It opened in May 2011 in the [[Locale John Allen Centre|John Allen Centre]] in [[Locale Cowley|Cowley]], replacing the [[Comet]] and JJB Sports stores that previously occupied the units. There is a café on the first floor of the shop which serves hot and cold food and drink. It has high chairs, children's chairs, and a play area for children. See also: * [http://greenroom.asda.com/2011/5/23/asda-living-oxford-opens-11 asda.com blog post] * [http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/yourtown/oxford/9041854._Mum_in_a_million__opens_new_Cowley_store/ Oxford Mail article]
Locales (one per line) (
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Cowley John Allen Centre
Categories (one per line) (
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Baby Changing Beauty Cafes Cashback Available Clothes Shops High Chairs Homeware Shops
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