Historical version 18 of Hertford College (view current version)
- 279400
- Catte Street
- OX1 3BW
- hertford.ox.ac.uk
Famous for having a bridge linking two of the quads, named and styled after the Bridge of Sighs in Venice. Also has a cat called Simpkins, who terrorises the cat of the nearby Turf Tavern, called Louvois, after someone famous of the same name.
Hert is an acceptable spelling of 'hart', an oldish word for a stag (Goodliest of all the forest, hart and hind. --Milton). In fact, Hertford was originally founded as Hart Hall by Elias de Hertford around 1282. An ambitious scheme to incorporte Hart Hall as a full college of the University failed in the eighteenth century, and the institution went into a decline. It was eventually dissolved, and the site and buildings taken over by [Magdalen Hall]?. In 1874, however, thanks to a benefaction from [Sir Thomas Baring]?, the college was recreated as Hertford College by Act of Parliament.
Notable former students include
- William Tyndale
- [Thomas Hobbes]?
- [Evelyn Waugh]?
- [Jonathan Swift]?
- [John Donne]?