Historical version 31 of Comments (view current version)
I was wondering if the Clubs category should be renamed Nightclubs, or if it's unlikely that any other sort of club will appear. :) --Art
PhilH: this is an interesting project, i'm afraid i'm not familiar with Wiki sorry in advance for any cockups i may make ;)
- Welcome. I'd heartily recommend that you read House Style; it'll make your contributions much more valuable. --Dom
James: Would it be possible to alter the long/lat display from the decimal representation to the more usual degrees and minutes representation? Streetmap appears to use this representation.
- Geography::NationalGrid seems to have a method to do this, so yes. I'll add it to the next release as an option in Preferences. --Kake
James: My spelling is bad I know. Is it possible to add some sort of spell check? Even if it's just a list of mispelled words so I can go back and re-edit the entry?
- Not my itch; patches welcome :) --Kake
Dom: Perhaps we need specific metadata entries for URLs to other guides/reviews?
- Could do, yes — I mainly worry about making the edit form overcomplex and huge. But this is something the RDF people are interested in, so I'll probably add it. --Kake
Dom: I can't decide how streets should work, exactly. I think that all streets should be created as Locale links in text, along the lines of ((Locale Foo Street | Foo Street)) (those should be square brackets, but the nowiki tag doesn't seem to work). Then if the locales are important they will be clicked on/otherwise created, and used, if not, no harm done. Perhaps we should even have a macro for this. The idea is that you can easily get a list of all things in a specific street. I'm not entirely convinced by all this, though.
James: I think this would probably improve things, it would make it a lot easier for people to properly link their entries. Otherwise having streets as entries forces the author to actually go and edit the entry for a street to link the entry in properly. Just my 2p.
Kake: Making people explicitly write ((Locale Foo Street|Foo Street)) is a pain though, especially when you can just make Foo Street be a redirect to Locale Foo Street (ie, you only have to do it once).
Dom: Ah, yes, I like this idea even more.
James: How about offering the wanted pages ordered by the number of times they are wanted as well as by alphabetical ordering?
- Oh, nice idea. That'll require a patch to CGI::Wiki, so I'll have a think about it. --Kake
James: Are inline images disabled or is this a bug?
- Use img tags — it's done like this so you can put ALT and TITLE text in. --Kake
- However, I am fairly strongly against linking large photos inline. They disrupt the use of the site. If they *must* be included, then they should at least have width and height tags. --Dom
- Yeah, can we cut down on the images? I like small, fast-loading pages. Stick in links to images by all means, though. --Kake
James: Can the pages please be validatable HTML of some form or another? I'm trying to write a suitable stylesheet and it would make life a little easier, it's just a few loose </P> tags I believe. Should the <div id="... be <div class="... ?
- Can you make me a list of the specific places where things need changing? Also, 'id' is a valid attribute for the 'div' element - it's for things that you only expect there to be one of. http://www.htmlhelp.com/reference/css/structure.html might be of help. --Kake
- I think the problem is that <hr /> and <<form> ... </form> aren't valid inside paragraph tags, you can spot this on most of the pages as far as I can tell. I could be wrong, but I think that's it. Thanks for the info about the id attribute, that cleared things up for me. -- James
Kake: I'd encourage contributors to make themselves a page so people can see who else is using this, for example Kake, Dom, James, Art. We've found on grubstreet that it makes the guide feel like more of a community thing.
James: Is it nessecary to provide both a map link and the OS co-ordinates? In the current situation if streetmap etc. make a slight change to the formatting of their URL this means that every entry needs to be manually corrected, whereas if we generated the map URL from the coordinates (streetmap provide instructions at http://www.streetmap.co.uk/linkto.htm) only a single change would be needed to the code.