Historical version 1 of PBI (view current version)

PBI stands for Polish Breeze Index - similar to the Big Mac Index.

A Polish Breeze consists of:

  • 1.5 shots of vodka
  • .5 shot of archers
  • .5 shot of grenadine
  • .5 shot of blue curaco
  • Topped up with coke (half coke, half of what's above)

(It tastes a little like Calpol - it's really nice, really potent)

The interesting things about it are:

  • It's a custom cocktail. You'll have to ask for it specially (although most bartenders will be obliging)
  • It's got 2.5 shots of alcohol in. This will often make it more expensive than a standard cocktail might be.

It's a good measure of how much the bar is stinging you for cash - two PBIs, for example, are:

This is version 1 (as of 2004-07-28 13:13:58). View current version.