Historical version 3 of Purple Turtle (view current version)

Free for members of the Oxford Union, and also Cambridge, Durham, Edinburgh and Yale Student Unions (yes, really) the Purtle is small, cramped and slightly on the cheesy side. The Purtle is in what was the coal cellar of the Oxford Union, an idea born from the mind of Michael Hestletine's. Oh dear. They do however serve those large bottles of Budvar that I love, this earns the Purtle a special place in my heart.

Their website is awful. You don't want to visit this page either, and certainly you won't want to be looking at this.

Now I'm going to bed I'too tired to write any more. Really.

OS X co-ord: 451262     OS Y co-ord: 206265     (Latitude: 51.752275 Longitude: -1.257307)
This is version 3 (as of 2003-05-20 01:04:32). View current version. List all versions.